Sunday 20 September 2015


If we conceive of our self as a 'spiritual person' or as 'spiritual' then we are making a clear distinction between what we are and what we are not. This is true with any of the many different roles we may play in our life.

For example, on the basis of wearing a police uniform, carrying a truncheon, walking round the block a few times, arresting trouble-makers and generally keeping law and order, a person engaged in these activities will correctly conceive of themselves as a policeman.

If we waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on expensive cars, gambling, high-class prostitutes, have an over-inflated idea of our own importance and for a few hours a day kick a football around a football pitch we will correctly conceive or our self as a professional football player.

Football player, policeman or spiritual person are all mere conceptions; there is nothing beyond the mere thought of the thing, that really is the thing. We may wear the uniform of a policeman and engage in the activities of a policeman but the idea 'policeman' is not these things.

For a spiritual person this is an important point because the ultimate goal of the spiritual search is to realise that we are not inherently anything, therefore, the stronger we identify with being a 'spiritual person' the further we are away from 'spiritual' truth.

A football player is not seeking to go beyond the identification process; without analysis they are happy to regard themselves as a footballer, receive their ridiculously high pay-check and then waste it. A spiritual person is going beyond this process into deeper waters.

If a spiritual person identifies with the idea of being a spiritual person, thinking that that is what they really are, above and beyond the mere label, then they are on the same level of intelligence as a banker, a policeman, a footballer, or any other person who thinks they are a thing. Being spiritual becomes just another arrow in their quiver, no different from the others. Just another role with which they identify with and which they define themselves by.

This wouldn't be so bad, but this type of spiritual person can become rather annoying. You can find them online in large gangs, praising each other with a bizarre and elaborate spiritual language that is barely recognisable as English.

This weird code is designed to illustrate just how deep and mystical they are floating in their elevated level of consciousness, far above the dreary and dull mere mortals prattling on about all manner of mundane and meaningless tittle-tattle.

On social media, a conversation might run something like this:

'Three days before the full moon, I entered a symbiotic relationship with my power frog as it passed through the gap between the worlds, engendering a re-birth of my earth energies. I felt that lurking by small pools deep in the forest would ground this energy in time for it's full moon harvesting'.

'I love you and your frog energy. My guardian angel, Gabriel, told me in a dream that if we merge the energy of heaven and earth the lotus flower will bloom at our heart. Now your earth energy is awakening - it is your time'.

Your words are like ecstatic rainbows of joy in my heart. Thank you your compassion'.

SP2: We are all bliss. I will pray that the Nature Deities will take you into their all-embracing bosom and align your inner elements by the light of the full moon. Remember Machu Picchu. Love and Light, brother Kermit.

The problem with 'spiritual people' is that they see themselves as members of an exclusive club far superior (in their own eyes at least) to normal everyday people who are blindly walking through life, unaware of the spiritual truths and cosmic energies to which they alone are privy. By identifying themselves as spiritual, they put themselves on a platform above normal, ordinary people.
The ego loves to feel special.

In order to test the veracity of their spiritual insight and realisations, there is a very easy and interesting test you can do. Criticise them. Then as they swiftly unfriend you and your 'negative energy' you will see just how deep their practice of patience runs. They are charlatans, victims of spiritual pride lost in a labyrinthine construction of their own imagination - a beautiful distraction masquerading as esoteric truth.

Imagination can be a powerful tool in the hands of a wise person who understands the power and nature of consciousness and the ultimate nature of reality, but such a person does not identify with themselves as a being anything, including being spiritual.

In reality we are like actors. An actor playing the role of Othello, never identifies with really being Othello; he knows all along that this is just a part he is playing. He never believes for a moment he is really Othello.

In the same way we are not really anything, our very self is just a mere thought, an idea; our personality is a mental construct. Beyond the mere conceptions we will never find a real self who is really anything. There is no real 'spiritual person' - as soon as we identify with being one, by definition, we are not one.